
AlojaSuite is much more than a booking engine, it is a modular platform that is designed to facilitate the direct sales and management of all kinds of tourist establishments. With its intuitive and responsive design it improves the user’s experience and increases the possibility of a booking.

Booking Engine for hotels

The AlojaSuite Booking Engine for hotels is a safe, trustworthy booking multi-platform that is directly integrated into your website, adapting to your corporate image. Thanks to its responsive design it adapts to all devices, improving the user’s experience and increasing the possibility of a booking. It has a large variety of modules and functions to cover all your online strategy needs, facilitating their activation and management. Its intuitive and user-friendly intranet facilitates your day-to-day management.
It offers flexibility to manage different rates according to the final user’s origin to cross-sell extra services and to create all kinds of packages. You can also have a module for exclusive access for agencies with agreed prices and sales of gift packages that will help you sell your product to all kinds of clients. It also has a marketing module that manages client discounts, coupons, e-mails, opinions and social media profiles while enabling the integration of Google and social media hashtags for the ROI calculation of the campaigns. We invite you to discover all its advantages, characteristics, functionalities and modules.

Main characteristics

  • Corporate colours and styles of the official website.
  • Multi-user platform with different licences.
  • 24/7 Technical support.
  • The establishment’s domain is maintained throughout the booking process.
  • It has SSL security certificates.
  • Secure payments according to PCI legislation updated to the new PSD2 legislation.
  • Creation of rates per room and/or occupants.
  • Configuration of rate and/or room with different quotas, release, closures according to entries and departures, minimum and maximum stays, cancellation policies, ages and methods of payment.
  • Segmentable rates by market.
  • Possibility of combining rates.
  • Free sale states, sales according to quota and/or under request.
  • Easy generation of packages with supplements.
  • Flexible creation of offers (flash sales, free night, early booking, etc.) applicable to certain rates and/or rooms, and possibility of configuring booking window, travel window and minimum stay, among other parameters.
  • Possibility of activating the sale of extra services.
  • Planning of availability and daily prices per room and rate or quick planning for block updates.
  • Low availability alerts.
  • Possibility of resending confirmation to the client.
  • Modify the booking.
  • Cancel the booking.
  • Confirm bookings that are in a pending payment status and/or under request.
  • Request and modify the client’s card details.
  • Schedule automated charges and/or make manual charges.
  • Make pre-authorisations.
  • Make card refunds.
  • Responsive with easy and intuitive navigation from any device.
  • Multi-language/Multi-currency.
  • 3-click booking.
  • Price comparator with the main OTA’s.
  • Calendar of prices for bookings with flexible dates.
  • Display of images, room descriptions and rate terms and conditions to facilitate decision-making.
  • Quick view of applied offers, of the special rate discounts and of discounts for client loyalty.
  • Quick view of entry date when displaying the total cost.
  • Possibility of booking different kinds of rooms, with different rates and various methods of payment.
  • Possibility of bookings under request.
  • Option to add extra services per day, per stay or type of occupant to the same booking.
  • Possibility of the client cancelling their booking from the same confirmation e-mail.
  • Statistics by booking or stay dates and sales reports by room types, rate type, by discounts and booking deposit. It also supports segmentation by language and market and can be exported to Excel and pdf formats.
  • Conversion ratios according to website views and engine searches.
  • Connection with Channel Managers.
  • Connection with management programs (PMS).
  • Integration of the engine in social media.
  • Integration with metasearchers such as TripAdvisor.
  • Connection with Google Analytics, Google Search Console and Google AdWords

Functions that will help you attract and gain your customers’ loyalty.

Pop Up discounts
Attract your clients to make their first booking on your official website, activating a Pop Up that offers the chance to obtain an automatic discount by simply registering their e-mail during their booking process.
Promotional codes
Attract new clients generating promotional codes for groups and/or companies offering them some added value to their booking. It can also be useful for specific campaigns giving a discount that is only valid for certain rates, if so required.
Quote request
Attract your clients to revisit your website, activating the quote request function in the search result. In this way they will receive the quote searched on your website by e-mail. These requests can be managed from the booking system.
Attract clients that have abandoned the booking process to come back again. The system will automatically send them an e-mail reminding them of their last search and also giving them the chance to confirm it in one step. Reports on results can be extracted.
Smart notes
Encourage your clients to book with messages within the search process, informing them of the special advantages to booking on the website or of the dates you have promotions and/or discounts. They can be fully personalised.
Loyalty discounts
Gain your clients’ loyalty offering them automatic discounts according to predefined strategies. Simply detecting their e-mail without the need for complex registrations, with the possibility of segmenting them by rates and dates.
Communication with the client
Send an automatic survey from the system to find out your clients’ level of satisfaction. Their comments can be answered quickly and easily from the system.
Import/export your database so you can segment and work with it quickly and easily according to previously established strategies.
Client data sheet
Get to know your client and obtain an in-depth analysis quickly: bookings, level of satisfaction, frequency of bookings, nationality, etc.
Cash card
Reduce the impact of cancellations by offering a cash card for the value of the booking to a client who wants to cancel and has a prepaid amount. Take advantage of this to generate commercial strategies that promote bookings and advance payments.
Ventajas para el Hotel
Ventajas para el Cliente
  • Servicio personalizado y apoyo técnico 24h / 7 días a la semana
  • Actualizaciones gratuitas
  • Formación continuada y garantizada para su uso
  • Extranet responsive
  • Herramienta de fidelización de clientes y seguimiento (CRM)
  • Flexibilidad para crear tarifas con diferentes cupos, release, estancia mínima y políticas de cancelación
  • Gestión de cargos en tarjeta desde el motor de reservas
  • Facilidad en la creación y edición de servicios y de paquetes
  • Estadísticas exportables y filtrables
  • Ágil gestión de reservas, cancelaciones y modificaciones
  • Multi-idioma / Multi-divisa
  • Comparador de precios
  • Navegación fácil e intuitiva
  • Visualización de descripciones, imágenes, opiniones
  • Visualización rápida de condiciones de cancelación y políticas de pago por tarifa
  • Visualización clara de ofertas aplicadas
  • Confirmación de la disponibilidad en 3 clics
  • Posibilidad de guardar e imprimir un presupuesto
  • Posibilidad de obtener descuentos de cliente automáticos sin tenerse que registrar previamente
  • Posibilidad de reservar diferentes tipos de habitaciones, con diferentes tarifas y varias formas de pago
  • Plataforma de pagos segura cumpliendo con la normativa PCI
  • Módulo de gestión: Es el módulo principal del sistema para dar de alta productos y servicios adicionales, para controlar y gestionar inventario, tarifas y políticas de cancelación, y con la posibilidad de definir idioma, moneda y formas de pago
  • Módulo B2B: Permite el acceso privado a empresas o agencias con un modelo de negocio establecido y tarifas negociadas.
  • Módulo de actividades y servicios: Permite la venta de servicios y actividades complementarias, antes o después de la confirmación de la reserva. Proceso de reserva paralelo totalmente personalizable y automático.
  • Módulo de Paquete Regalo: Permite al usuario final comprar un servicio para regalar a un tercero.
  • Módulo de marketing:
    • Códigos promocionales únicos o múltiplos y tarjeta monedero
    • Herramienta de fidelización y descuentos segmentados por tipos cliente
    • Herramienta de gestión de opiniones
    • Integración a redes sociales
    • Comparador de precios
    • Herramienta de retargeting
  • Módulo de pre-checkin: Ofrece la oportunidad a tu cliente de agilizar el checkin a su llegada al establecimiento con el pre-checkin en línea. En la entrada solo tendrá que identificarse en la recepción y recoger su llave.

    Solicita información

    PLATJA D’ARNAFONA S.L ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es mejorar la competitividad de las Pymes y gracias al cual ha puesto en marcha un Plan de Marketing Digital Internacional con el objetivo de mejorar su posicionamiento online en mercados exteriores durante el año 2022. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa XPANDE DIGITAL de la Cámara de Comercio de Barcelona.

    Una manera de hacer Europa

    Copyright Alojapro © 2023. All rights reserved.


    C/ Sant Jaume, 220 local bajo 08370 Calella, Barcelona +34 93 766 48 66

    PLATJA D’ARNAFONA, S.L. has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund with the aim of improving the use and quality of information and communication technologies and accessing them, thanks to PROJECT SL000000141571 FOR THE SUBSIDY PROGRAM TIC CAMERAS 2023. This action took place during the TIC Cameras 2023 period. Therefore, it has received support from the TIC Cameras program of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce.

    The company Platja d’Arnaforna, S.L. has developed the service: ‘Predictive Models for ALojaPro Hotels,’ which has been subsidized with the support of ACCIÓ under the Competitiveness Vouchers program. This service has been used to create predictive cancellation models that, based on customer data, can provide the probability of cancellation for each of them. Aquest servei ha servit per disposar de models predictius de cancel·lació, que a partir de les dades dels clients, podrà oferir la probabilitat de cancel·lació de cadascun d’ells.