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Do you offer services to companies in the hotel sector, but do not have access to solutions such as our booking engine, or sector-specific campaigns? We are experts in campaign management and creation of our own solutions, we also have the perfect tools to attract customers, manage direct sales, communications and marketing.

What type of program are you interested in?

We know you are looking to receive a benefit, but not what kind. We have two plans in the partner community;



    Traenos un contacto del sector que le pueda interesar nuestra solución y llévate una recompensa.
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15% / Venta
    Tráenos un contacto que llegue a contrato y llévate un porcentaje de la venta cerrada.
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Alojapro is a company that belongs to a hotel group with more than 50 years of experience in the tourism sector. It develops its own systems for tourist and hotel establishments to automate the reservation and management processes. Our main products are the Booking Engine for Hotels, the Booking Engine for Agencies and the Channel Manager, integrated into the AlojaSuite platform.
The Channel manager integrated in AlojaSuite allows you to develop a multi-channel strategy streamlining price and availability management from a single interface. The bidirectional connection makes it possible to download reservations, control quotas and activate the shared quota.
We advise you on the definition of a loyalty and online marketing strategy that helps you maximize the profitability and return on investment of your campaigns. We accompany you throughout the start-up process and the achievement of your goals.
Copyright Alojapro © 2023. All rights reserved.


C/ Sant Jaume, 220 local bajo 08370 Calella, Barcelona +34 93 766 48 66 info@alojapro.com

PLATJA D’ARNAFONA, S.L. has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund with the aim of improving the use and quality of information and communication technologies and accessing them, thanks to PROJECT SL000000141571 FOR THE SUBSIDY PROGRAM TIC CAMERAS 2023. This action took place during the TIC Cameras 2023 period. Therefore, it has received support from the TIC Cameras program of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce.

The company Platja d’Arnaforna, S.L. has developed the service: ‘Predictive Models for ALojaPro Hotels,’ which has been subsidized with the support of ACCIÓ under the Competitiveness Vouchers program. This service has been used to create predictive cancellation models that, based on customer data, can provide the probability of cancellation for each of them. Aquest servei ha servit per disposar de models predictius de cancel·lació, que a partir de les dades dels clients, podrà oferir la probabilitat de cancel·lació de cadascun d’ells.